Skunkware 5
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183 lines
* *
* Copyright (c) 1992, 1993 Ronald Joe Record *
* *
* All rights reserved. No part of this program or publication may be *
* reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, *
* or translated into any language or computer language, in any form or *
* by any means, electronic, mechanical, magnetic, optical, chemical, *
* biological, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of: *
* *
* Ronald Joe Record (408) 458-3718 *
* 212 Owen St., Santa Cruz, California 95062 USA *
* *
* @(#) endo.h 11.1 93/11/16 SCOINC
* Written by Ron Record (rr@sco.com) 17 Jan 1992.
#ifndef ENDO_H
#include <assert.h>
#ifndef NeXT
#include <values.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "x.h"
#define LN_MINDOUBLE (M_LN2 * (DMINEXP - 1))
int screen;
Display* dpy;
Window stacktop, which, canvas, trajec, crijec, info, help, lyajec, prejec;
Window hisbar, colwin;
pair gaertner(), goodwin(), gucken(), circle(), hump(), circle2(), standard();
#ifdef NorthSouth
pair north();
#ifdef Gardini
pair gard(), gard2(), gard3();
#ifdef Plendo
pair q1(), q2(), q3(), c1();
pair rotor(), twistandflip(), dorband(), logistic(), alexander(), lorenz();
pair mira(), peitgen(), julia(), brussel(), secant(), golub(), marty(), baru();
pair A0, A1, B0, B1;
pair dgaertner(), dgoodwin(), dgucken(), dcircle(), dhump(), dcircle2();
#ifdef NorthSouth
pair dnorth();
#ifdef Gardini
pair dgard(), dgard2(), dgard3();
#ifdef Plendo
pair dq1(), dq2(), dq3(), dc1();
pair dstandard(), drotor(), dtwistandflip(), dbaru();
pair ddorband(), dlogistic(), dlorenz(), dmira(), dpeitgen(), djulia();
pair dnumeric(), dbrussel(), dsecant(), dgolub(), dmarty(), dalexander();
PFP map;
PFP deriv;
PFP Maps[NUMMAPS]={ gaertner, goodwin, gucken, circle, hump, circle2, standard,
#ifdef NorthSouth
#ifdef Gardini
north, gard, gard2, gard3,
#ifdef Gardini
gard, gard2, gard3,
rotor, twistandflip, dorband, logistic, lorenz,
mira, peitgen, julia, brussel, secant, alexander, golub, marty, baru
#ifdef Plendo
, q1, q2, q3, c1
PFP Derivs[NUMMAPS]={ dgaertner, dgoodwin, dgucken, dcircle, dhump, dcircle2,
#ifdef NorthSouth
#ifdef Gardini
dnorth, dgard, dgard2, dgard3,
#ifdef Gardini
dgard, dgard2, dgard3,
drotor, dtwistandflip, ddorband, dlogistic, dlorenz, dmira, dpeitgen,
djulia, dbrussel, dsecant, dalexander, dgolub, dmarty, dbaru
#ifdef Plendo
, dq1, dq2, dq3, dc1
char *Mapnames[NUMMAPS]={ "Gaertner", "Goodwin", "Leslie Matrix", "Circle",
"Hump", "Circle2", "Standard",
#ifdef NorthSouth
"Chichilnisky North-South",
#ifdef Gardini
"Gardini figure 8", "Gardini figure 18", "Gardini figure 20",
"Rotor", "Twist and Flip", "Dorband Double Logistic", "Double Logistic",
"Lorenz", "Mira 1973", "Volterra-Lotka", "Julia-Mandelbrot",
"Brusselator", "Secant Method", "Alexander",
"Field and Golubitsky Quilts","Field and Golubitsky Icons","Barugola"
#ifdef Plendo
, "Mira Quad (Q1)", "Mira Agg (Q2)", "Mira-Narayaninsamy (Q3)",
"Kawakami-Kawasaki (C1)"
int color_offset = 96;
int width=490, height=390;
int settle=256, dwell=256;
int criwidth=490, criheight=390;
int trawidth=512, traheight=512;
double min_x=0.0, min_y=0.0, x_range=1.0, y_range=1.0;
double max_x=1.0, max_y=1.0;
double x_inc, y_inc, x, y, c_min_x, c_min_y, c_x_range, c_y_range;
double t_min_x, t_min_y, t_x_range, t_y_range;
int run=1, negative=0, numcolors=16;
int numfreecols, displayplanes;
xy_t point;
points_t Points, Orbits, Basins, Histog;
Pixmap pixmap, pixtra, pixcri, pixpre;
Colormap cmap;
XColor Colors[MAXCOLOR];
int *basins[MAXFRAMES];
int *periods[MAXFRAMES];
int *indices[MAXFRAMES];
double *coords[MAXFRAMES][2];
double *crit_pts[2];
double *crit_arc[2];
double *n_crit_pts[2];
double *n_crit_arc[2];
double a_minimums[MAXFRAMES], b_minimums[MAXFRAMES];
double a_maximums[MAXFRAMES], b_maximums[MAXFRAMES];
int minperiod, maxperiod, p1=0, p2=1, precrit=0, calclyap=0;
int perind[MAXFRAMES]={0}, resized[MAXFRAMES]={0};
int numwheels=MAXWHEELS, portrait=1, attractors=0, find=0, critical=0;
int maxradius=100, nostart=1, numcrits=0, numarcs=0, randinit=0, lyap=2;
int save=1, show=0, spinlength=512, savefile=0, clearflag=0, therm_index=0;
int maxframe=0, frame=0, mapindex=-1, orbit=0, histogram=0, thermometer=1;
int found_arc=0, orbits_3d=0, row=1, numrows=1, showbar=0, adjcol=0;
int STARTCOLOR=17, MINCOLINDEX=33, Xflag=0, Yflag=0;
char *outname="endo.out";
double thermval, therm_max, therm_min;
double params[MAXPARAMS];
double cdelt=0.05, delta=1.0e-3, start_x=0.3, start_y=0.7, maxexp=0, minexp=0;
unsigned long background, foreground;
GC Data_GC[MAXCOLOR], RubberGC, Reverse_GC, BlackOnWhiteGC;
void resize();
void redisplay();
void Spin();
void show_defaults();
void StartRubberBand();
void TrackRubberBand();
void EndRubberBand();
void CreateXorGC();
void AllInitBuffer();
void AllFlushBuffer();
#define ENDO_H